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Carotene Capsules

Carotene Capsules

Regular price €9,60 EUR
Regular price Sale price €9,60 EUR
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  • A valuable nutritional supplement with carotenoids and vitamin E
  • Positive: The carrot effect, through which the skin obtains a healthy colour similar to a sun tan
  • Note: Carotene capsules are not recommendable for heavy smokers 
    pro Kapsel
    pro Tagesdosis (=2 Kapseln)
    % des empfohlenen Tagesbedarfs nach NRV*
    pro 100 g Kapseln
    300 mg
    600 mg
    50 g
    davon Fett
    300 mg
    600 mg
    50 g
    davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
    mind. 13,5 mg
    mind. 27,0 mg
    2 g
    ungesättigte Fettsäuren
    mind. 243 mg
    mind. 486 mg
    40 g
    davon einfach unges. Fettsäuren
    mind. 18 mg
    mind. 36 mg
    3 g
    mehrfach unges. Fettsäuren
    mind. 225 mg
    mind. 450 mg
    37 g
    davon Gamma-Linolensäure
    mind. 27 mg
    mind. 54 mg
    4 g
    8,0 mg
    16,0 mg
    1 g
    Vitamin E (alpha-TE) natürlich
    15,0 mg (22 I.E.)
    30,0 mg (45 I.E.)
    2 g
    13,2 mg
    26,4 mg
    2 g
    5 mg
    10 mg
    832 mg
    Vitamin B2
    1,05 mg
    2,1 mg
    175 mg
    Vitamin B6
    1,05 mg
    2,1 mg
    175 mg
    Vitamin B1
    0,83 mg
    1,66 mg
    138 mg
    150,0 µg
    300,0 µg
    25 mg
    37,5 µg
    75,0 µg
    6 mg
    Vitamin B12
    1,88 µg
    3,76 µg
    313 µg


Evening Primrose Oil, Gelatine, moisturizing agent Glycerol, filler Sunflower Oil, Vitamin E, Niacin, Natural Carotenoids (1%), Calcium D-pantothenate, thickener Silicon Dioxide, Vitamin B6 Hydrochloride, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1 Mononitrate, antioxidants greatly tocopherol-rich Extracts of natural origin, Folic Acid, Biotin, Vitamin B12.

Article Details

Carotene capsules are a valuable nutritional supplement with carotenoids and vitamin E, primrose oil and skin-friendly vitamins such as vitamin B2, niacin and biotin. Primrose oil contains biologically active, multiple unsaturated, essential fatty acids (especially gamma linolenic acid), which are very important for the human body but cannot be produced by the body itself.
A positive accompaniment of carotin is the so called "carrot effect" with which your skin gets a slightly suntanned, healthy colour. Many customers therefore start taking our Carotene Capsules about two to four weeks before the holiday or the sunny summer period.
Not recommendable for heavy smokers.

Recommended Dose and Use

Take 1 capsule 1-2x daily 1-2. The capsules should be swallowed whole with a sufficient amount of liquid.

Note: carotene capsules are not recommended for heavy smokers.

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